joi, 30 iulie 2015



There are times
And days in months,
Or minutes in weeks
When your name
Writes itself
In the shape of my thought.
It’s then
I try to stop the second
And touch you with one word.
But what would it be?

Poezia din noi: MY FRIEND

Poezia din noi: MY FRIEND: MY FRIEND You’re   not just fine, You, dearest friend of mine. I don’t fit words your person to define. And all my thoughts T...


You’re  not just fine,
You, dearest friend of mine.
I don’t fit words your person to define.
And all my thoughts
That have been shared with you,
Were always told to unify or hearts.

My words to you,your words to me,
Become a token of our greatest days,
They’re very dear, and see?
Our ways have moved
To those "down under” parts, beyond all seas...

Your lines are brought to me by modern winds,
By artificial angels with no wings,
I read them slowly
So to see
What feelings and impressions have been sent to me.

These are the mirrors of myself in you,
Unless I have a small place there,
My effort’s bare and
Going on towards you
I won’t dare.